Proactive release of papers relating to Tactical Response Model

Nothing is more important to Police than the safety of our people and our communities across New Zealand. We cannot succeed in our vision to make New Zealand the safest country unless we are doing everything we can to keep our staff and communities safe, and do that in a style of policing that New Zealanders expect and deserve.

Police has engaged with communities of interest and staff around their concerns and ideas to improve safety. This engagement has informed the development of a new tactical response model which is being trialled in four districts. This model is designed around enhancing frontline training; improving frontline access to specialist capability, and strengthening risk-based deployment and technology.

The following papers have been produced by New Zealand Police as part of the Tactical Response Model. Further papers will added to this site over the next few months.

Key sections of the Official Information Act under which information has been withheld

Certain information in the documents has been withheld under one or more of the following sections of the Official Information Act 1982:

  • Information is withheld under section 9(2)(a) to protect the privacy of natural persons
  • Information is withheld under section 9(2)(f)(iv) in order to maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being which protect the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials.
  • Information is withheld under section 9(2)(g)(i) in order to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions.
Cabinet papers and RISDate
BR- 21- 66 – Frontline Safety Improvement (Briefing for the Minister of Police) (PDF 1.39MB)This briefing paper proposes a staged approach to seek approvals to seek direction on the scope of new investment prior to internal and public engagement on the TRM and final decisions on the model.6 August 2021
IPR-21-216 Frontline Safety Improvement – detailed financial implications (PDF 385KB)This paper responds to a request from the Minister’s office for costing and options for implementing the Tactical Response Model.13 August 2021
Consultation and engagement for Police’s Frontline Safety proposals (PDF 423KB)This paper responds to questions regarding the consultation process around proposals within the Investing in Frontline Safety Cabinet paper.3 September 2021
Investing in Police Frontline Safety (PDF 1.03MB)This paper seeks agreement to contribute funding for year one of a proposed Tactical Response Model to improve Police frontline safety and tactical capability. 
Appendix A – TRM model (PDF 563KB)A conceptual overview of the TRM model. 
Appendix B – TRM Options Analysis (PDF 906KB)Options for delivering the Tactical Response Model 
CBC-21-MIN-0096 (PDF 45KB)Minute of decision – that the Tactical Response Model be implemented by Police to improve frontline safety of Police staff, subject to internal and external consultation to refine the model