Latest CCTV Camera Locations: Tauranga

two person standing under lot of bullet cctv camera

The CCTV cameras are renewed every five years. They are serviced by Nutech andConnect IT. The cameras are monitored by the Tauranga Transport Operations Centre(TTOC).The asset owner of each camera has the necessary permissions to view the cameras theyare responsible for i.e. Library Manager for library cameras. TTOC staff have access to andmonitor all cameras. The NZ Police have access to all cameras via an agreement withTauranga City Council. License plate data is held in a database for 30 days before beingdeleted on a first-in first-out cycle. Latest list […]


Tauranga City Council CCTV & ANPR Cameras The camera location below is descriptive rather than GPS mapped as many of the cameras are at indoor locations. Cameras are monitored by Tauranga City Council staff in the Tauranga Transport Operations Centre (TTOC), Managers of some business units have access to areas […]