Alert Level 3 information
Alert Level 3 information on work, business, education, gatherings, exercise and recreation.
On this page
- Overview
- Personal movement
- Recreation
- Education
- Workers and businesses
- Travel and transport
- Gatherings
- At risk people
- Staying safe and well
- Detailed table of New Zealand COVID-19 Alert Levels
COVID-19 is a challenge like we have never seen before.
Our goal is to eliminate COVID-19 from New Zealand, so that we can live and work free from this disease. This is the best thing we can do for our people, our communities, and our economy.
We attacked the disease early and hard by going into lockdown or Alert Level 4. This has put us in a good position to eliminate the disease, bank those gains and to get ready to transition to Alert Level 3. When this decision is made, it will be because we have transmission under control and can tolerate a little more risk.
Getting this far has required a collective effort by every New Zealander. We are all making extraordinary sacrifices to protect the people, communities, businesses and traditions we care about. Thank you.
We will not risk going to Alert Level 3 too early. We will move when we have met four criteria:
- We know that community transmission is under control, and the transmission rate is very low.
- We have robust measures at the border stopping new infection.
- We have tracing and testing capacity to shut down any new outbreak.
- We have supplies for, and capacity, in the health system.
It is vital that everyone knows we are still under Alert Level 4, and all Alert Level 4 restrictions remain in place.
Under Alert Level Three we will still have significant restrictions on our day-to-day lives. The risk of COVID-19 will have diminished, but not gone away.
If we are successful in controlling COVID-19 under Alert Level 3 we will be able to move down to Alert Level 2, where there are far fewer restrictions.
Personal movement
Limiting our interactions with others is our best defence against COVID-19. Under Alert Level 3 we must continue to stay in our household bubbles whenever we are not at work, school, buying the groceries or exercising.
People must stay within their immediate household bubble, but can expand this to reconnect with close family / whanau, or bring in caregivers, or support isolated people. It’s important to protect your bubble once it’s been extended. Keep your bubble exclusive and only include people where it will keep you and them safe and well. If anyone within your bubble feels unwell, they self-isolate from everyone else within your bubble.
If you were in the wrong place when the restrictions came into place, and need to get home, you can now move throughout New Zealand to do so. You can only move once, and in one direction. New Zealanders can move to or from the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau once, and in one direction.
Examples to help explain these measures
If a relative or loved one lives locally, and is currently alone you can extend your bubble to include them. If you are returning to work and need to establish child care or other care arrangements for those already in your bubble, a care provider can join your bubble.
What is a bubble?
A bubble is your household – the people you live with. Under Alert Level 3, you can slightly extend your bubble. For example, you can bring in a caregiver you might need, or children who might be in shared care. Or, if you are living alone, or a couple who wants the company of another one or two people. These people do not need to live in the same household, but must be local. Always keep your bubble exclusive, and keep it small.
What if my bubble isn’t safe?
If the situation in your bubble is unsafe or life-threatening you can leave your bubble immediately, and seek help from a neighbour or friend. Once there you can reach out to the Police, or Woman’s Refuge. If you are in this situation or concerned for someone else, find out about the support available for family or sexual violence.
We know that exercise and recreation is an important part of maintaining our health and wellbeing. However, this also presents a very high risk of transmission if we come into contact with others, use or touch common equipment or surfaces, or need rescuing or medical care.
The most important principle here is to stay safe (so that you do not need rescuing or medical care), and to stay physically distant from people outside of your bubble.
You can do activities that are local, which you can do safely, and which do not involve interacting with other people, or equipment touched by other people. You should go to your nearest beach or park, not your favourite one. Staying overnight at a bach or holiday home is not permitted.
If you are an experienced surfer, you can go to your local break. If you’re not experienced, don’t surf. If you want to go fishing you can do so from a wharf or the shore, but don’t cast off the rocks or fish from a boat (boating is not allowed). Tramping is ok for day walks on easy trails, same for mountain biking if you are experienced and know the trail. Please be aware of maintaining two metres distance from other people.
Do not use any common equipment touched by people from outside your bubble.
Now is not the time to take up new activities, or expose yourself or your bubble to any risk. Use your common sense – stay local, stay safe.
How far can I drive to do a recreation activity?
You should drive as short a distance as you can, and still do the activity. You must stay local.
Hunting, boating, yachting and any team sports or training are not allowed.
What sort of activities can I do?
You can drive to a nearby area to go for a walk or run, for example a beach 45 minutes away. This could mean travelling outside your region if the nearest beach or park if it is still within a close distance to your home – for example travelling from Porirua to Paraparaumu.
You can go for a swim at the beach, a day walk, or fishing from a wharf.
Who can I do recreation with?
You can do recreational activities by yourself or with people from your extended bubble.
Under Alert Level 3 it will be safe for Early Learning / Education Centres and schools to open for children up to and including year 10, with appropriate public health measures in place. All young people in years 11-13 will continue to learn at home.
Physical attendance at school is voluntary, but all children not at school should be learning by distance. Schools will be a safe place for children to go to learn if their parents need to return to work, or the children cannot learn at a distance. Children who are able to, should remain home and learn via distance.
Schools and Early Learning / Education Centres will contact parents as they work through their plans for re-opening.
Home based early learning services can resume up to the maximum number of licensed children of 4 including the educators own children, provided public health requirements are met.
Play centres and play groups will be closed.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like gloves and masks are not necessary for a school environment. Children, young people and staff who are at greater risk are encouraged to stay at home. Any child, young person or staff member who is sick should remain at home.
It will take at least a week for Schools and Early Learning Services to get ready to open after we go to Alert Level 3.
Most tertiary education will be through distance learning. Tertiary education facilities may open for limited activities involving small stable groups (up to 10 people who do not change). Campus research that can’t be done off campus such as lab work, and practical hands on learning, such as trades courses, where the learning can happen in small groups with appropriate physical distancing. Courses where close contact is unavoidable will remain online only.
Examples to explain these measures
Schools will look different under Alert Level 3. There will be far fewer students on the grounds, and they will stay within their small groups. Some teachers will be teaching students at school, while others will providing distance learning.
Is it safe for my child to go to school?
Yes, it is safe for your child to go to school. The restrictions on the numbers of children are necessary due to the need for physical distancing, transport constraints, and limited resources. The limits also help reduce the risk.
Workers and businesses
Most, but not all businesses can start to open under Alert Level 3. They must take health measures to keep their workers safe.
- Workers must work from home if they can
- Workplaces must operate safely – keeping one metre between workers, recording who is working together, limiting interaction between groups of workers, disinfecting surfaces, and maintaining high hygiene standards
- Retail and hospitality businesses can only open for delivery and contactless pre-ordered pick up – customers cannot enter stores
- Supermarkets, dairies and petrol stations can continue to allow customers into their stores, with the same restrictions and measures in place as Alert Level 4
- Businesses cannot offer services which involve face-to-face contact or sustained close contact (e.g. hairdressing, massage, house cleaning, or door-to-door salespeople)
- Other in home services can be delivered if it is safe to do so (like tradespeople for repairs or installations) – keep two metre separation from those in the house
- Most workers will not require PPE to stay safe at work. Incorrectly used PPE can create more risk. Good hygiene measures like hand washing with soap and water, physical distancing, sneeze and cough etiquette, and wiping down surfaces is the best defence against COVID-19.
More detailed guidance for sectors will be made over the coming days.
Examples to help explain these measures
If you run a takeaway business, you can reopen it if you have pre-ordered contactless pick up, or can do home delivery.
A real estate agent can open, but people should work from home if they can. The agent can enter peoples homes, but not have customers in the office. You cannot run an open home. Construction businesses can start work again but strict hygiene measures must be put in place – and office staff who can work from home should do so.
Why can’t people queue or browse in a retail shop?
This is about managing the risk of transmission. Retail shops can be difficult to control in terms of physical distancing and keeping surfaces clean. Exceptions have been made for businesses like supermarkets, but right now the risk of transmission is too high to allow this more widely. Measures like drive through or home delivery better manage this risk, but unfortunately not everyone will be able to do this.
When will businesses that involve close personal contact be allowed to open?
Right now, the risk of transmission from people providing services that require close personal contact (e.g. hairdressers, manicurists, beauticians, domestic cleaners, personal trainers, gymnasiums) is too great. These businesses can resume under Alert Level 2, with appropriate health measures in place.
How do I find out about my rights as a worker, will wage subsidies continue?
You can get some good advice here, including on health and safety, financial support and speaking up.
Travel and transport
Travel is still restricted, and is only allowed for permitted movement in your local area – e.g. for going to work or school, shopping, or getting exercise.
Public transport will still be available. You can use it to travel to work or school, but be aware there will be limited capacity. You should sit 2 metres away from other people on public transport.
Regional travel is allowed for permitted movement, with some exceptions – our detailed table about settings at each Alert Level detail.
Detailed table about the settings at each Alert Level [PDF, 1.7 MB]
Other travel should not be undertaken. The risk of transmitting the disease is too high. This is not a time to take a holiday, travel between regions to celebrate birthdays or travel from one side of a city to the other to go to a supermarket when there is a suitable one in your local area.
Examples to explain these measures
If you need to go to work or school, you can make your usual commute, even if you cross a regional boundary to do so. You cannot travel to another region for a recreation or work (unless you are an essential worker travelling for work).
You should not take a flight to another region unless you are an essential worker, travelling to do essential work.
How can I stay safe on public transport?
Public transport will have fewer people on-board to maintain distancing, and buses and trains will be regularly disinfected. You should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water immediately after taking public transport.
How far can I travel?
Don’t travel inter-regionally, unless your local area crosses a regional boundary. Keep as local as you can, while doing your usual commute to work and school (if not working from home or doing distance learning).
Can I take public transport if I am sick?
You should avoid public transport if you are sick. Call your GP or Healthline to get advice.
Gatherings present a very high risk of transmitting COVID-19, and acceptable gatherings are very limited. Up to 10 people can gather for:
- Funerals and tangihanga
- Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).
Examples to help explain these measures
For those holding a wedding ceremony, the limit means there can only be the couple, the celebrant, a couple of witnesses and family. Most people will still need to attend through video conferencing. Those who do attend must keep themselves and others safe. Keep a list of those who attend, stay at least 2 meters apart and wash hands regularly.
Why is there a limit of ten people?
To maintain momentum in eliminating COVID-19 gatherings must be small. Keeping the limit low means the risk of community transmission stays low and our gains from Alert Level 4 aren’t compromised.
Are schools, workplaces, supermarkets and public transport gatherings?
These places are not considered gatherings because they have appropriate public health measure in place.
At risk people
People at higher-risk of severe illness (older people, or those with underlying medical conditions) are encouraged to stay home where possible, and take additional precautions when leaving home, like avoiding supermarkets, or touching any surfaces. Do not interact with people from outside your bubble. Consider getting others to deliver your supermarket shop, or ordering online.
People at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should take extra precautions. They should discuss with their employer whether they can work from home, or other ways to keep them safe while at work and travelling to work. If they decide to stay at home, and cannot work from home they should agree with their employer what their leave and pay arrangements will be.
If at risk people considering leaving their home should seek advice before doing so – for example from a friend, family member or medical professional.
Staying safe and well
At every alert level people should take measures to stay safe and well.
- Regularly disinfect surfaces
- Wash and dry your hands thoroughly and regularly
- Don’t touch your face
- Stay home if you are sick
- Get tested for COVID-19 if you have flu like symptoms – call your GP or Healthline
- Continue to seek primary medical care.
Detailed table of New Zealand COVID-19 Alert Levels
Detailed table of the COVID-19 Alert Level – new as of 16 April 2020 [PDF, 1.7 MB]