Location of Crime Prevention CCTV Cameras

01 Arts Post overlooking Victoria / Hood Intersection
02 Collingwood / Victoria Intersection
03 Victoria Street overlooking Garden Place
04 Claudelands Road / Victoria Street Intersection
05 London Street / Victoria Street Intersection
06 In Garden Place
07 Intersection of Hood Street / Alexandra Street
08 Intersection of Alexandra Street / Collingwood Street
09 On the Council building overlooking Garden place and Civic Square
10 Outside the lifts in Civic Square
11 Intersection of Ward Street / Worley Place
12 Intersection of Barton Street / Bryce Street
13 Intersection of Hood Street / Anglesea Street
14 Anglesea Street outside of the underground car park entrance
15 Transport Centre above the external public toilets
16 Transport Centre Fish Eye Camera above the ATM
17 Civic Square by the Alley to Anglesea Street
18 Transport Centre overlooking Bus Bay A and Anglesea Street
19 Inside of Sonning car park
20 Entry of Sonning car park
21 In Garden place outside of the central Library
22 Inside the Library public lift
23 Embassy Park
24 Victoria / Embassy Park
25 Collingwood / Victoria Street
26 Victoria / Ward
27 Museum Car park
28 Victoria by the Quadrant
29 Sky City overlooking Victoria on the river
30 Victoria by Subway
31 Victoria by Furnace
32 Rear of BNZ Victoria Street
33 Transport Centre Internal
34 Bryce / Tristram Street
35 Anglesea / Ward Street
36 Victoria / Rostrevor Street
37 Victoria / Liverpool Street
38 Rostrevor / Harwood Street
39 Caro Street
40 Rail Trail Moana Street
41 Rail Trail Upper Kent Street
42 Rail Trail Fraser Street
43 Rail Trail Gallagher hockey centre
44 Rail Trail Hasting place
50 Victoria / Anzac Parade
51 Anglesea / Rostrevor Street
52 Victoria On the River
53 Anzac Parade / Grey Street
54 Victoria On theRiver
55 Victoria On the River Entry
56 Bryce / Anglesea Street
57 Alma Street
58 Anglesea Street across from the Court House
59 Claudelands Road on the IBIS Hotel
60 Bryce Street / Bryce Lane
62 Underground Carpark
63 Museum Carpark / Riverwalk access way
64 Barton Street on Cash Converters
65 Municipal Building main entry
66 Transport Centre above camera 15 – has 4 lenses
67 Underground car park PTZ
68 Underground car park PTZ
69 Underground car park PTZ
70 Underground car park PTZ
71 Anzac Parade Bridge
72 Rostrevor - Vialou
73 London – Bryce Lane
74 Victoria Street by Phillips Hair
75 Alexandra – Market Place
76 Knox Street by number 4

Location of Traffic CCTV Cameras

R01 Five Cross Roads Roundabout
R02 Heaphy Tce boundary Road Roundabout
R03 Cobham Galloway Roundabout
Massey / Greenwood / Lincoln
Hall / Kent
Norton / Hall / Mill
Forest lake / Ulster / Victoria
Avalon / Ellicott / Forest Lake
Mill / Willoughby
Fairfield Bridge / Victoria
Mill / Ulster
Mill / Victoria / Boundary
Ohaupo / Kahikatea / Lorne
Claudelands / Grey
Ohaupo / Collins
Clyde / Grey
Victoria / Bryce
Peachgrove / Te Aroha / Ruakura
Tristram / Ward
Norton / London / Tristram
Tristram / Mill
Naylor / Galloway
Clyde / Peachgrove
Te Rapa / Avalon / Wairere
Ohaupo / Selwyn
Lorne / Normandy
Cobham / Normandy
Te Rapa / Garnett / Vardon
Te Rapa / Pukete / Manchester
Tainui Bridge ‐ Huntly
Greenwood / Killarney
Avalon / Foreman
Wairere / Pukete
Avalon / Gilchrist
Te Rapa / Ruffell
Wairere / Powells
Wairere / River
Wairere / Ruakura
Te Rapa / Eagle Way / the Base
Wairere / Clyde
Wairere / Cambridge / Naylor
Victoria / Cambridge – Cambridge by the expressway
Kahikatea / Quintin
Rangiriri Bridge – North of Huntly
Ohaupo – next to the pedestrian crossing just north of the roundabout with Normandy
Normandy ‐ next to the pedestrian crossing just east of the roundabout with Ohaupo
Killarney ‐ next to the pedestrian crossing next to the Rail tracks
Borman / Collector Road – Collector Road is a new road not yet on Google maps
Pardoa Boulevard / Spine Road
Victoria Street – On the pedestrian crossing just south of the intersection with Macdiarmid
Thomas Road / Gordonton Road

Public Facing Locations for CCTV Cameras

28 Claudelands
22 FMG Stadium and Seddon Park
8 Arts Post
20 Waterworld
9 Gallagher Aquatic Centre
23 Central Library
5 Chartwell Library
61 Museum
6 Glenview Library
3 Dinsdale Library
3 Hillcrest Library
3 St Andrews Library
2 Animal Control
4 Cemetary

We all work together to improve safety:
The Council, partner organisations and the community.

The Public Places Policy and Bylaw, and Safety in Public Places Bylaw protect the public from nuisance, minimise
the potential of offensive behaviour, maintain public health and safety, and regulate signs and trading within public
• The Alcohol Control Bylaw reduces harm to the community by controlling where and when people can drink or
have alcohol in their possession in public places
• The Psychoactive Substances Policy aims to minimise the harm to the community caused by psychoactive
substances by defining the permitted location of retail premises
• The Smoke-Free Environment Policy acknowledges that reducing smoking will improve public amenity and
maintenance of Council property
• The Council’s CCTV camera network currently includes 38 central city cameras, 16 Transport Centre cameras, 12
Centre Place carpark cameras and nine Municipal Building cameras
• The Council’s 13 City Safe Officers actively patrol the central city and monitor the CCTV network.